About Our Attorneys
Our Nationwide network of over 20,000 attorneys is professionally managed. Attorneys in our network average 19.4 years of experience. All plan-member attorneys must have a BV or better rating if listed in Martindale-Hubbell, provide us with a certificate of liability insurance, whether their state requires it or not, be in good standing with their respective state bar, have a law office in their respective state and carry a Courtesy Rating of B or better. In addition, our plan administrator, Legal Club® files a semi-annual background disciplinary report with each state's attorney disciplinary department.
Courtesy ratings as well as background checks are done at least twice a year. In addition, attorney firms must complete semi-annual surveys reaffirming the accuracy of our database and knowledge of the plan. Besides Courtesy Rating surveys and background checks, we answer to our members. Problems that arise with a particular attorney are documented and can ultimately lead to expulsion from our network of attorneys.
Our attorneys abide by a discounted fee schedule in order to receive member referrals. For example, plan member attorneys provide PBN Legal Plan members with nine free services, charge a onetime fee for eight commonly used legal services, give members a 10% discount on all contingency based cases and contract to charge no more than $125.00 per hour, or 40% off the attorney's usual and customary rate, whichever is greater for any and all extended legal care.
The PBN Legal Plan administrator, Legal Club® is not an insurance company and has no financial relationship with its attorneys. This means the PBN Legal Plan has no exclusions, limitations, claims, or red tape. We provide the only legal plan in the country offered in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands with the exact same benefits in all. Our members are entitled to use as many of the plan member attorneys, practicing any area of law available, anywhere in the country, as often as they need. Legal Club® is dedicated to bridging the financial and emotional gap between Americans in need of legal care and the attorneys that provide it.